Weight Watchers Editor

Weight Watchers Editor

We chat with Editor Jacqui Kwong about healthy living and a new direction for Weight Watchers.

The September issue of Weight Watchers magazine has a fresh new approach to its cover design and content. We chat with Editor Jacqui Kwong about healthy living and the exciting new direction the mag is taking.

Jacqui, as editor of Weight Watchers magazine, there must be a huge amount of creative effort (and a few hilarious moments) involved in a relaunch – can you share some stories with us?

There were several memorable moments for the whole team, but one of the funniest things was when we asked our cover star and WW member Leah Niewman if we could cut her beautiful long blonde hair and dye it pink! She bravely agreed – and thankfully she loved the result – but the look on her face when we first put it to her was priceless.

The new look is contemporary and very appealing, there seems to be a fresh designer prettiness to the pages. Are you reaching out to the next generation of readers?

Weight Watchers isn't defined by an age or a generation – it's for anyone wanting to improve their health and make positive lifestyle changes – this can happen at any age. However, we did a lot of research which affirmed the direction we wanted to head in terms of a freshness and youthfulness while still being aspirational to and attainable for everyone. After all, healthy living is for everyone and we should have fun while living that life!

There are articles on fashion and beauty, real life stories and personal profiles as well as recipes and fitness tips – would you say the magazine is now as much a lifestyle magazine as a weight loss magazine?

Absolutely. Health and weight loss are still at our core but we're going beyond that. We're about celebrating every stage of the journey. And there's no end point to getting fit and healthy - even the fittest and healthiest people need motivational boosts every so often and we hope to provide that within the pages of our mag every month.

How significant is a holistic approach?

Almost 80 percent of Australians use holistic medicine as a primary form of health care and this number is likely to grow. Weight Watchers has always been about eating well, cooking fresh and understanding nutrition from a holistic point of view. Our mind is also extremely important in living a healthy, joyful life. Mindfulness is such a wellness buzzword at the moment, but it's nothing new. When practised often it can really help us get the most enjoyment out of ourselves, our relationships and our food! For example, it has a big effect on emotional eating as you appreciate your food and listen to your body.

Who, or what, inspires you personally?

I'm inspired by people who challenge themselves to learn more about themselves and who are passionate about what they do. This includes everyone from the amazing members we profile every month to my yoga teacher, who is all about unleashing your inner guru to get the most out of life, enjoy the moment and slow down in our fast-paced world. I also really admire Jamie Oliver and his philosophy that eating a variety of simple, fresh and delicious food with your family and friends nourishes the soul. My kids also inspire me by being so present in the moment - kids do that so well and I can definitely learn from that! Forget stressing about the future or stewing on the past, just be here now!

Delicious recipes are a feature of the magazine. What's your favourite dish in this issue?

I'm a fan of The Little Veggie Patch Company's fresh herb salad. They're urban farmers helping people start up gardens in the city, no matter how small the space. All you need to grow your own fresh produce is a bit of wall or balcony and a patch of sun.

It's great to see a high profile brand like Weight Watchers changing and evolving. Can we have a sneak peek of what's coming up for the brand and the magazine this year?

We have some very exciting issues and events in store for 2016. We're focusing on themes such as fun, fitness, happiness and there'll be a couple of jaw-dropping surprises that you'll have to wait for!

How important are subscribers to Weight Watchers Magazine? Why subscribe?

Our subscribers are the first to get their issue in the mail and they'll be the first through the door for our food and fitness events coming up, too. We love our subscriber family – they never miss an issue.

Weight Watchers Editor

Source: https://www.isubscribe.com.au/news/lifestyle-magazines-14/weight-watchers-relaunches-with-a-fresh-new-look--25/


Atkins Or Weight Watchers Which Is Better

Atkins Or Weight Watchers Which Is Better

Inside: I used Noom for LONGER than just two weeks. Here's what really happens when you do the whole program. In this Noom Coach Review, get a look at the new Noom Weight Loss App, along with a full review and my personal results. See the pros and cons of this weight watchers alternative. I have also added a year-after update in the Results section. Direct affiliate links are used in this post.

Noom Review Before and After photo

Hi I'm Laura, stay at home mom to two school aged kids. You can't tell but in the picture on the left, my jeans are unbuttoned and being held up by my belt, tightly fastened on the last hole.

The past several years I saw a trend in my life, starting about a week before Halloween. The first crinkle of a fun size Snickers would ring in my ears like a starting pistol.

The days and weeks that followed would see me gobbling up everything in sight, like I was Ms. Pacman and ALL THE FOOD was my power pellets. "It's the holidays, it only happens once a year" became a daily mantra. It was ridiculous.

Can you relate to my Halloween candy weakness? You'd think by now, we'd know better.

Well finally, back around my birthday in September I realized I was one pound away from the heaviest I'd ever been.

I decided to trythis new weight loss program that I found. It's a paid app and, while it wasn't perfect, it was different from any other weight loss program or product out there.

I know it sounds crazy to start a weight loss program heading into the holidays, but given my past actions and results, I decided I'd be crazy NOT to!

You might be wondering if I work for Noom, but I do not. I paid for the program myself, finished the whole program, had a great experience, lost my weight and then cancelled my membership. I DO however, proudly share my Noom Affiliate Referral Link , and you'll get a refer-a-friend link of your own if you join Noom and want to refer friends and family.

If my review helps you make your decision I would love it if you joined through my referral link. (I even offer my Noom Food List Cheat Sheets as a Thank You!)

Let's take a look at the features, how it works, my review of the app, and I'll reveal my results.

Noom Coach Review: Short Version, Is It Worth It?

Noom Coach App Results and Review - Is it worth it

Below I go through each and every aspect of the Noom weight loss coach Healthy Weight Program.

If you want the short version, I'll tell you my basic impressions here.

I spent 5-10 minutes total each day using this weight loss app. Five to ten minutes, people!

Are YOU busy? I'm busy.

As a mom and writer I didn't have time or opportunity for meetings or appointments. I needed something that I can squeeze into daily life. And in those 5-10 minutes I needed something different.

And given that Noom has had over 45 Million users, I don't think I'm alone in needing something different to help me with my weight loss goals.

This is truly the biggest takeaway from my entire review. If you skim over everything else, please hear this:

There is no pill, shake, supplement, food delivery service, diet or medical treatment that can help you tackle your emotional triggers and relationship with food.

You can follow any list of foods. You can drink shakes or take pills to lose weight.

But unless you face the issues that caused you to gain weight in the first place, you can gain back your weight as soon as you stop.

Negative thinking, stress eating, boredom eating, social pressure, etc. Those don't go away. They will be there, diet or not.

So if you have lost weight on another program, only to gain all the weight back when you stopped, ask yourself if you actually created lifelong healthy habits on that diet plan, or just followed a few guidelines for a time, and then went back to old habits.

If you said the latter, again, you are NOT alone. It is so common, and that is why people are flocking to Noom.

This is where Noom stands alone. They use psychology to help you break your bad habits.

So many of us are conditioned to follow a new diet and think we can stick to some new list of foods, stare and the scale and wait for it to "fix" us. While Noom does have food lists, the focus here is on breaking your bad habits and developing new ones, so there is no "old ways" to go back to.

That is why I would say that, for the short, daily behavior modification lessons alone, and the fact that it takes soooo little time, the cost of Noom Weight Loss Coach Healthy Weight Program is worth the cost, hands down.

I'm not usually one to spend money on myself, but I was tired of being uncomfortable in my skin. I needed guidance. I needed help. I needed to CHANGE. And I am WORTH paying for guidance and help.

If this speaks to you I really hope you will invest in your emotional well being and physical health at the same time, and join Noom right here.

Whatever you decide to do in the end- this plan or something else- I hope you start today. You are worth it.

If you want to learn more about the app, feel free to read below, or you can skip to my results which are at the bottom under my weight chart.

For information about Noom's Diabetes Prevention Program instead, click here. I have not gone through that specific program, but I believe the basics of using the app are the same or similar.

I personally loved Noom because I like to choose the foods I eat each day, with some guidance to make better choices, and I don't like following meal plans that tell you what meals to cook.

If you're more interested in an app that gives you daily meal plans and exercise plans, that tells you the exact food you should eat each day, this weight loss app would be a great alternative.

It was also perfect for me because although I can be outgoing at times, I consider myself an introvert. I felt like Noom was a private, convenient way to work towards a healthy lifestyle, while still getting support from a trained professional. If you are more outgoing, you love posting your wins on social media and would benefit more from a lively, supportive online community, that's another reason to try this app instead.

Bottom Line: Noom isn't just another list of foods to follow. You can binge eat low carb foods. You can stress eat "zero point" foods. You can severely limit your calories on ANY diet. But unless you face the issues that caused you to gain weight in the first place, you can gain back your weight if you stop the diet.

Noom teaches you to make better decisions where ever you are, not just when a prescribed food list is available. The grocery store, a restaurant, a holiday party or a lazy weekend with your family.

Ready to check it out? Take their quick quiz, it's the first step.

Noom Weight Loss Coach App Full Review

Noom Review

First of all, What is Noom? Noom Weight Loss App is a weight loss app available for Android and iOs. (I have the iOs version on an iPhone, in case you see a slightly different screen on your device.)

If you are already using a tracker or health app of some sort, chances are it syncs with Noom. As of today the list is Fitbit (but of course!), Bewell Connect, Misfit Wearables, Biomedtrics, Movable, Moves App, Fitbug, Polar, Garmin Connect, Qardio, iHealth, Runkeeper, Jawbone UP, Sony Lifelog, Life Trak, Striiv, Lumo, Withings, Microsoft, and YOO.

When I first heard of Noom, it was on a Facebook ad that said, "You're not on MySpace Still, So Why Would You Use Weight Watchers?'" I was curious so I actually ended up having a back and forth email with them to find out How Noom is different from Weight Watchers.

What Does Noom Mean?

A lot of people write to me asking "What does Noom stand for?" Noom is not an acronym for anything. According to the founder, Noom is moon spelled backwards. because the moon is always there for your as a quiet guide when you are lost.

Joining Noom

The day I actually joined Noom, I started by taking their Quiz to Get A Customized Plan.

They offered a short trial and after that the quiz results showed me the monthly cost. I jumped right in, knowing I was happily going to pay for it.

Like I said, if I had gained one more pound, I would have been the heaviest I ever was. I couldn't afford to give myself an easy out.

I just needed to start today and not look back. There was no time for second guessing myself. My quiz results recommended the 4 month plan and that was perfect for me. Thinking ahead 4 months, I was SO glad I started when I did.

When I think of all the money I have spent on unused gym memberships, shakes, larger sized clothes, workout DVDs, even sessions with nutritionists…not to mention Starbucks….this plan was the best money I have ever spent on myself.

After I joined (right here on the Noom Website) I received an email, which I opened on my phone and it had me install the app.

I also got a message from a concierge coach introducing me to the program. It took a few days but she paired me with a goal coach who matched my goals and struggles, and assigned me to a group with other people who recently joined.

What's Included in the Noom Weight Loss App?

The Noom Weight Loss App includes several standard features that you can find in many free apps, plus the coaching by experts, a group chat and most importantly the behavior & lifestyle change program, which is doled out in small snippets throughout the program.

I added a Video Walk Through of the app on my How Does Noom Work post.

I'll talk about each feature below, but here is what you get (I bolded my favorite features which made the most difference to me):

  • Food Logging
  • Exercise Logging
  • Weight Logging
  • Expert One-On-One Check-Ins for Goal Setting
  • Group Chat with a Group Moderator
  • Searchable Recipes
  • A new way to categorize food (more about this below)
  • A behavior change education program
  • Saved Articles Folder

Features I didn't really use:

I didn't need the help section. It also does have features to record your blood glucose and log your blood pressure, which I did not use. I am sure they are helpful for people with diabetes.

How easy is Noom Coach?

Overall Noom was really easy for me to use. Like their ads show, you just hop on the app super quick throughout the day. (I walk through the Noom app in this video.)

It'll probably take you longer to read this thorough Noom review than it will to actually use Noom each day. (Feel free to skip to this quiz if you're ready to get started!)

Food Logging on Noom:

As for the food logging, I have used other apps to log my food before (fitbit, spark people and my Fitness Pal) and it functions mostly the same. You can search for foods, you can search by barcode, or you can look in the list of your most frequent foods for that meal, which pops up every time you log. You can create a new dish as well, or add something if it's not in the database. You can add as little or as much info as you have available.

There are two features I'd love to see added in the food logging section:

One is the ability to swipe a whole meal from the previous day over into today in one move. For example, I eat the same oatmeal, blueberries, almond butter and espresso almost every day for breakfast. All four or these items show up at the top of my favorite meals when I go to log my breakfast but I have to add each one. Not a huge issue but it would be a simple time saver and was one feature I miss from My Fitness Pal.

The other food logging feature I'd love is the ability to add a recipe by using a URL. We cook a lot and rather than add all the ingredients one by one, or create a dish, some apps I've used allow you to copy and paste the URL of a recipe and it pulls the info and allows you match ingredients for an accurate calorie count and then lets you select how many servings you had. Again, not a deal breaker just another way to log.

Weight logging and exercise logging:

These were both also super simple. There are reminders for each one in your menu/to-do list on the days you are supposed to do them. My steps were recorded by syncing my fitbit.

Reading the Behavior Modification Short Articles:

I found that the education/behavior modification was one of the two features that made this program totally different from anything else.

If you're wondering how they accomplish the task of helping you break bad habits, Noom accomplishes this behavior modification feat with super quick and fun short daily articles in your daily menu/to-do list. I'd read them while I was waiting for the kids to get shoes on, in line at the grocery store, waiting for an elevator, that kind of thing.

I liked the light, fun, very slightly self deprecating tone they used (referring to themselves as nerds, that kind of thing). I will say I noticed a change in the tone of writing part way through. It became less light and chummy and more matter of fact. I don't know if it was because we don't really need it at that point, or if the objectives change. Either way I didn't mind, it was just kinda noticeable.

If you're thinking it's annoying to have to do reading, well it's like reading through a social media post. Nothing too heavy. And frankly what I was doing in the past wasn't working, so I was willing to do a tiny bit of reading each day to change my lifestyle.

Food color system on Noom

The Noom Diet uses a green, yellow, red system, like a traffic light, to help you easily categorize food. This was the other feature that I found truly unique and helpful. All foods are allowed under Noom's system, and no foods at all are off limits. Even that glass of wine at the end of the day, if it fits in your budget.

Part of the customization is to give you a daily recommended goal for each food group.

I ended up making a Noom Food Lists printable pack for myself. You can get a copy too, by joining my newsletter, in case any other Noom users would like a copy. It's not a replacement for the app itself- in fact it won't be of much use unless you plan to join.

You're supposed to have foods of each color, every day. Noom is different from weight watchers in the way it categorizes food. Also, unlike weight watchers you can figure out the classification for any food if you can see (or look up) the calories for it based on simple math. Although the app does it for you while you are doing the program, it just means that you don't need to be a lifelong member in order to figure out how many points something is.

I'm not going to lie. The first week I did noom, ALL my foods were red foods. ALL. Like. Every one. (Related: Here are my Tips for the First Week of Noom)

First Week Vs Last Week on Noom

I went over my suggested calorie count. Every day. But that was okay. It was the first week.

It was so eye-opening to see the foods that were getting me my current "results".

Over time it became very habitual to eat with a better balance based on their food system.

I think the food guidance for me was good because it gave me permission again to eat fruits and vegetables. It's weird to say it but I always saved them for my kids. And I never liked taking the time to make food for myself. I'd feed everyone else and kinda just shove a couple slices of cheese in my mouth.

Having the color coded food system is validation to treat my body right again. "I'm worthy of healthy foods." And that took a while to realize. When you battle with your weight, you can even use fruits and veggies to beat yourself up. Deep, right?

So… slowly I started by adding one green food, and eventually over time I had a great balance of red, green and yellow foods.

Goal Specialist Check Ins

The personal coaching aspect was unexpectedly helpful. There are several terms you could use to describe this person. Whether you call him or her a Goal Coach, Goal specialist, health coach, weight loss coach or one-on-one coach, I was curious who these people really were, so I asked. Noom Goal Specialists include but are not limited to registered dietitians, Exercise Physiologists, Social Workers, Certified Personal Trainers.

My Goal Specialist checked in with me once a week to talk about the previous week, to see if I met my previous goal(s) and to help me set a specific goal or goals for the coming week. If you've ever had an accountability buddy, imagine having one who is trained in helping people meet their goals. That is what this is like.

This was easy, and done over a private chat from within the app, usually just 2-4 quick text replies (although she was always available for more, I found this more than sufficient). The weekly goal was never dictated to me, it was always a goal I suggested.

My Noom one-on-one goal specialist helped me if I was stuck, and walked me along the process of making it specific, measurable, realistic. We also talked about ways I would accomplish my goal, as well as troubleshoot any upcoming challenges or recent short falls. Like once I went to take my daughter out for lunch with some of her friends and their moms, and found myself relenting to the table's desire to order pizza. Then I ate like waaay too much pizza. It was my own decision and no one else is to blame, but I wanted to have some ideas for the next time. So we talked about how I could handle that next time something like that came up.

There was never any sense of judgement or right or wrong. The goal coaches (and group coaches…and group mates for that matter) are all supportive, empathetic and kind. I say coaches, because they are real people and twice during my program my main goal coach had the day off and another goal coach would cover for her. I was never without support.

I actually kind of loved the fact that I basically had a certified, knowledgable accountability partner that wasn't someone in my everyday life, you know?f

That said, you get what you put into it. I engaged heavily with my goal specialist and was rewarded with helpful personal coaching. If you don't engage and actually talk with your goal specialist, you will not get all those benefits.

Group Chats

Again, nothing hard here, you do as much or as little as you like in this section. There is a group coach who moderates the group. She posts regular prompts to get us talking but people also post their successes, struggles, healthy meals, workouts achieved, milestones reached, and ask questions when they need help. Some days I go through and reply to several posts at once, some weeks I just read and don't think to comment. I really liked the times when someone shared a struggle and we, as a group, brainstormed ways the person could handle the issue. I felt it was a really respectful and supportive way to get ideas or see how others handled that problem.

Pro Tip: I also found some unofficial support groups on facebook that are also full of supportive Noomers. I don't run any of them but I found them helpful. Just use the search bar on facebook for Noom Support.

Searchable Noom Recipes

Oddly enough I didn't use the recipes all that much, even though we have been cooking a lot. They look good and the app is easy to use, but I just happened to get recipes from other places.

Saved Articles Folder

I loved this feature and in hindsight I wish I used it more. I'd love the ability to search previously read articles. They are still in each day's menu after you read them but in order to go back to one to review it, you either have to have clicked save or you have to remember what day it was. I wish I could search for key words from the days I really liked. There were a couple days where I'd have an off day and I thought, Oh I need to review that one article but I didn't save it.

Help Section

I didn't need it. The main questions seem to be pretty basic app questions as well as how to cancel your trial, which as I said above, I had no need for. I knew this was the program for me, and truth be told, if I'd have done the trial and cancelled and gone back to my normal habits, then I know I would have gained that "one more pound" so I didn't give myself the option.

Canceling Noom Account

Noom doesn't want you to be a lifelong member. You can use it for life, but they're not trying to get you to use it for life. They want you to break your bad habits, develop new healthy habits and move on.

Each Noom program lasts for a set number of weeks depending on your goal and the program chosen. You pay for that session of the program all at once. You go through the program, and if you are done, you can cancel with your goal specialist as you near your last day, otherwise it will bill you for another session. So if you want to be done at the end of your first program, just let you coach know. It's like most any other subscription…they will keep billing you until you cancel.

I messaged my goal specialist about a month before my program ended and I asked her to set the cancellation date at the last day that I have paid for. I did it so far in advance because I didn't want to space out and forget. But I still had full access until that last day of the session. When my coach submitted it, the system sent me record of the scheduled cancellation right in the app chat window. They also have a Noom Customer Support Page for any additional questions or issues, but I never needed it.

Easy peasy.

And that is the point. Like I said, they actually help you develop long term habits that do not rely on the app. You don't need to become a lifetime member of noom.

After You Cancel Noom

A lot of people ask me once you cancel your Noom subscription, do you lose access to the app? I'm writing this in 2020 and I still have the free app on my phone. I can tell you that you still have the ability to log food with colors, log your weight and exercise, and see your previously entered food & weight data. What you lose access to when you cancel is the daily lessons, the goal specialist and the group chat. You also can no longer sync your fitbit, in my experience. Also you do not have access to the saved articles, since the articles are part of the paid portion.

Personally I miss the lessons, and I really appreciated how they made me think so mindfully each day about some aspect of my healthy habits. Otherwise I am pretty much on autopilot when it comes to the habits I developed…which is exactly the point of noom! Win!!

My Noom App Results

I started Noom in late September with an awesome group of "noomers" so it has actually been pretty cool after 16 weeks has gone by, to see everyone celebrating all the weight they lost- even though we all did it during the holidays!!!

Here is my Noom Weight Loss Chart, to which I have added some fun icons to show where the holidays fell. According toNoom, 64% ofusers lose 5% or more of their body weight, and 60% maintain the loss for one year or more. I am one of those users for sure!
Noom coach resultsSo there is my chart, starting in September around my birthday, going to Jan 4th. It has ups and downs, as you can see. On previous diets I would have viewed these ups as failures but because this is not a diet, and because of the coaching and behavior education I can instead see them as just another day in my weight loss experience.

It may not be as impressive as Brandy or Cobie, but while on Noom I lost 17 pounds. That was 1 pound more than my pre-set goal weight, and many of my groupmates have lost quote a bit more in the same time. 13 pounds over 16 weeks is typical, but a lot of people have added comments below with their results as well.

You can see above that I did go back up over Christmas but considering my previous routine of plowing right through the holidays towards a bigger size in jeans, and considering how equipped I am to stay on track, I am pretty much fine with that- AND ready to keep going.

I have made so many improvements, I feel better, happier, my back pain is gone. I have better self esteem and I know how to handle my triggers.

I have control again. And that is my result.

Year Update: It's been over a year since I started and I am happy to report that I am BELOW my Noom goal weight. I could not be more ecstatic with these changes. I still use my Noom Food List Cheat Sheets as reminders of my go-to favorite foods of each color. I still log my foods, but when you stop paying for noom, you only have access to the logging portions (no Goal Experts, Group or Daily Lessons).

Summer Update: Still holding strong!! Plus, I am walking more than ever, and I love earning my 99Walks bracelets every month, wish I had found that program earlier on my Noom Journey. Want to come join me? Use my 99Walks Link or the code LAURAMARSCHEL245 to get a free trial plus a discount if you choose to join.

So after all that has gone on over the past couple years, let me ask you:

If you started today and lost 1-2 pounds per week, where would you be by Thanksgiving, by Christmas, by New Years, by your birthday, by that next vacation?

Ready to check it out? Take their quick quiz, it's the first step.

Lose Weight for Good with Noom, try it free!

Have you already used Noom? Would you like to share your story or before and after photos? Send an email to info @ lalymom . com. (Take out the spaces.)

Noom Weight Loss App Program Review and Results - No more diets Sign me up!

Thank you for reading my Noom Review and Results, I hope it helps you on your journey!

Share Your Noom Success Story in the comments below.

Note: I do not work for Noom so I can't answer questions about your account. You'll have better luck if you head toNoom Customer Support Page.

I tried to add my Noom review video at the top, but in case it didn't show up, here is the video review as well:

Before and After photos for Noom

Atkins Or Weight Watchers Which Is Better

Source: https://lalymom.com/noom-weight-loss-app-full-review-results/


Smokey And The Bandit Trans Am Year

Smokey And The Bandit Trans Am Year

This Bandit was meticulously restored, has only 37k actual miles, and autographed by the legendary Burt Reynolds himself.

When Smokey and the Bandit hit the big screen back in the late-1970s, nobody could have guessed that "Bandit", a black and gold 1977 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am piloted by Burt Reynolds, would steal the hearts of car enthusiasts everywhere. Pontiac dealerships surged as enthusiasts were looking to get their hands on their very own Bandit. A cult following ensued, and the Bandit is forever etched in Hollywood car history. Here we have a restored and low-mileage 1979 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am Special Edition that wants to unleash your inner Smokey when behind the wheel. Even better, this car is officially autographed by the legendary Burt Reynolds himself. Does it get better than that?

<img src="1979-pontiac-firebird-transam-3.jpg" alt="A restored and low-mile 1979 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am Special Edition">

This incredible '79 Pontiac is equipped with the Y84 Special Edition package, and of course, it is finished in that iconic black finish with gold accents. Of course, that includes the iconic gold "Screaming Chicken" spanning the hood. If driving the car didn't already release all the endorphins, remove the Factory t-tops to breathe in that fresh air. This vintage Pontiac went under the knife for a meticulous restoration, and it only has a low 37,000 original miles on the ticker. The restoration on the car was performed by Classic Pontiac Rescue with restoration parts supplied by Ames Performance Engineering.

Stuffed under the hood is a numbers-matching 6.6-liter V8 engine that shifts via an automatic transmission that spins a 2.41 rear axle. Open the doors to an immaculate standard interior complete with black vinyl. Air conditioning keeps the cabin comfortable, and an AM/FM radio keeps the tunes playing all day long. As mentioned above, the icing on the cake is that this special edition Pontiac is autographed by the legendary late Burt Reynolds.

Unfortunately, the world mourned the loss of Reynolds back in September 2018 when he passed at the age of 82. His legacy continues on in the car community thanks to his role as Bandit and an infamous Firebird Trans Am.

"I know what an important part the Smokey and the Bandit movie has played in the lives of so many of my fans."— Burt Reynolds (2015)

This restored Pontiac is Bandit perfection, and it is more than ready for somebody embrace their inner Smokey and offer endless thrills. If this car tops your dream car bucket list, check out this meticulously restored and low-mile 1979 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am Special Edition being offered through Dream Giveaway.

Your generous donation benefits veterans' and children's charities. Hurry up and act now as the giveaway ends on April 30th.

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Smokey And The Bandit Trans Am Year

Source: https://www.motorious.com/articles/handpicked/1979-pontiac-firebird-smokey/


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2011 Bugatti Veyron Super Sport Engine

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2013 Bugatti Veyron specifications, all versions

2014 Bugatti Veyron specifications, all versions

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2011 Bugatti Veyron
all versions specifications and performance data


Other 2011 body shapes and variants of this base model:


The following versions and sub-models of Bugatti Veyron were available in 2011
(2 versions, see below for more details):

2011 Bugatti Veyron 16.4 ( Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S.)
  • manufactured by Bugatti in France
  • 2-door coupe body type
  • 4x4 on-demand (Haldex LSC system), dual-clutch semi-automatic 7-speed gearbox (with manual shift mode)
  • gasoline (petrol) engine with displacement: 7993 cm3 / 489.6 cui, advertised power: 736 kW / 987 hp / 1001 PS ( ECE ), torque: 1250 Nm / 922 lb-ft, more data: 2011 Bugatti Veyron 16.4 (d-cl. 7) Horsepower/Torque Curve
  • characteristic dimensions: outside length: 4460 mm / 175.6 in, width: 2000 mm / 78.7 in, wheelbase: 2710 mm / 106.7 in
  • reference weights: base curb weight: 1888 kg / 4162 lbs, gross weight GVWR: 2200 kg / 4850 lbs
  • how fast is this car ? top speed: 407 km/h (253 mph) (declared by factory);
  • accelerations: 0- 60 mph 2.4© s, 0- 100 km/h 2.5 s (declared by factory), 1/4 mile drag time (402 m) 10© s (simulation ©automobile-catalog.com) 2011 Bugatti Veyron 16.4 (d-cl. 7) Detailed Performance Review
  • fuel consumption and mileage: 24.1 l/100km / 11.7 mpg (imp.) / 9.8 mpg (U.S.) / 4.1 km/l EU-cycle; 10 mpg (U.S.), 23.5 l/100km, 12 mpg (imp.), 4.3 km/l new EPA combined ratings; emission: 574 gCO2/km; average estimated by a-c©: 21.9 l/100km / 12.9 mpg (imp.) / 10.7 mpg (U.S.) / 4.6 km/l, more data: 2011 Bugatti Veyron 16.4 (d-cl. 7) Specifications Review

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2011 Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport ( Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S.)
  • manufactured by Bugatti in France
  • 2-door coupe body type
  • 4x4 on-demand (Haldex LSC system), dual-clutch semi-automatic 7-speed gearbox (with manual shift mode)
  • gasoline (petrol) engine with displacement: 7993 cm3 / 489.6 cui, advertised power: 882 kW / 1183 hp / 1200 PS ( ECE ), torque: 1500 Nm / 1106 lb-ft, more data: 2011 Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport (d-cl. 7) Horsepower/Torque Curve
  • characteristic dimensions: outside length: 4462 mm / 175.7 in, width: 1998 mm / 78.7 in, wheelbase: 2710 mm / 106.7 in
  • reference weights: base curb weight: 1838 kg / 4052 lbs, gross weight GVWR: 2200 kg / 4850 lbs
  • how fast is this car ? top speed: 415 km/h (258 mph) (declared by factory);
  • accelerations: 0- 60 mph 2.4© s, 0- 100 km/h 2.5 s (declared by factory), 1/4 mile drag time (402 m) 9.7 s (declared by factory) 2011 Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport (d-cl. 7) Detailed Performance Review
  • fuel consumption and mileage: 23.1 l/100km / 12.2 mpg (imp.) / 10.2 mpg (U.S.) / 4.3 km/l EU-cycle; 10 mpg (U.S.), 23.5 l/100km, 12 mpg (imp.), 4.3 km/l new EPA combined ratings; emission: 539 gCO2/km; average estimated by a-c©: 23.7 l/100km / 11.9 mpg (imp.) / 9.9 mpg (U.S.) / 4.2 km/l, more data: 2011 Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport (d-cl. 7) Specifications Review

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2011 Bugatti Veyron

Analogous models manufactured in the same time period:

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All years same class and body style Bugatti cars:

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2011 Bugatti Veyron Super Sport Engine

Source: https://www.automobile-catalog.com/make/bugatti/veyron/veyron/2011.html


2007 Harley Davidson Street Glide Blacked Out

2007 Harley Davidson Street Glide Blacked Out

Harley-Davidson's profilation of this bike
This machine injects touring with a hefty dose of custom

General information
Model: Harley-Davidson FLHX Street Glide
Year: 2007
Category: Touring
Price as new: US$ 18295. MSRP depends on country, taxes, accessories, etc.
Rating: 3.8  See the detailed rating of touring capabilities, reliability, accident risk, etc. Compare with any other motorbike.
Engine and transmission
Displacement: 1573.0 ccm (95.98 cubic inches)
Engine type: V2, four-stroke
Torque: 125.6 Nm (12.8 kgf-m or 92.6 ft.lbs) @ 3500 RPM
Compression: 9.2:1
Bore x stroke: 95.3 x 111.3 mm (3.8 x 4.4 inches)
Fuel system: Injection
Cooling system: Air
Gearbox: 6-speed
Transmission type,
final drive:
Clutch: Multi-plate with diaphragm spring in oil bath
Fuel consumption: 5.22 litres/100 km (19.2 km/l or 45.06 mpg)
Greenhouse gases: 121.1 CO2 g/km. (CO2 - Carbon dioxide emission)
Exhaust system: Chrome, touring cross-over duals with slash-down end caps
Chassis, suspension, brakes and wheels
Rake (fork angle): 26.0°
Physical measures and capacities
Dry weight: 332.5 kg (733.0 pounds)
Weight incl. oil, gas, etc: 349.3 kg (770.0 pounds)
Seat height: 693 mm (27.3 inches) If adjustable, lowest setting.
Overall length: 2400 mm (94.5 inches)
Ground clearance: 119 mm (4.7 inches)
Wheelbase: 1613 mm (63.5 inches)
Fuel capacity: 18.92 litres (5.00 US gallons)
Other specifications
Color options: Vivid black, black cherry pearl, black pearl, deep cobalt pearl, Pacific blue denim (new), pewter denim (new)
Starter: Electric
Comments: Twin Cam 96 engine.
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2007 Harley Davidson Street Glide Blacked Out

Source: https://bikez.com/motorcycles/harley-davidson_flhx_street_glide_2007.php


A Bat Truck

A Bat Truck

2008 Toyota A-Bat Concept

2008 Toyota A-Bat Concept

December 27, 2007

Toyota's presence at the Detroit auto shows past has trumpeted its big, big, big trucks and SUVs, from the new Tundra to the Sequoia. But this year coming, with fuel-economy rules changing, Toyota is staking out some greener territory with a concept pickup truck derived — like Honda's Ridgeline — from passenger-car running gear.

The A-Bat concept, Toyota says, returns the company to its compact truck roots. Penned at the company's southern California design center, CALTY, the A-Bat sits on a unibody architecture and uses a version of Toyota's Hybrid Synergy Drive system for "excellent fuel economy," Toyota says.

The A-Bat is smaller than Toyota's mid-size Tacoma pickup, which is based on a traditional ladder frame. Toyota says the smaller dimensions and car-based running gear would give a production version of the A-Bat more car-like handling and a smooth ride. The concept sits on 19-inch wheels for a dash of truck tougness.

The most important feature, the truck bed, is a four-foot affair with a flexible pass-through that adds another two feet to the bed. The putative 4x8 sheet of plywood will fit in the A-Bat, and taller cargo can ride in the cabin, poking through a sliding panel. The bed also includes formed-in lighting, a first aid kit and flashlights, as well as an AC power outlet. The bed panels slide around to expose more storage areas, and the bed floor also slides to expose a storage drawer, like Honda's Ridgeline has its storage locker below the bed.

The A-Bat's cockpit is more unconventional than, say, a Dodge Ram Mega Cab. A center console incorporates an AC/DC portable power pack that can be used to run tools, computer or even give a jump start. Carbon-fiber-look trim is teamed with rim on the doors and instrument panel than can be personalized. And the four-seat cabin offers flexible seats that fold down for bed space, or retract beneath the cargo bed entirely.

High-tech features in the concept include a portable navigation system, wireless internet, a music hard drive, and solar panels on the roof that capture energy and use it to charge the navigation system and power pack.
Overall Length:      181.3
Overall Width:      74.4
Overall Height:      64.0
Wheelbase:       112.2
Bed Length:       48.0
Bed Length with Midgate down:      72.0
Bed Length with Midgate and Tailgate down:  96.0
Wheel Size:       19-inch

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A Bat Truck

Source: https://www.thecarconnection.com/news/1012404_2008-toyota-a-bat-concept


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Toyota Cobra

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#1 (permalink)

Old 08-31-2014, 07:30 AM

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Default Toyota Chassis Cobra Thoughts

Hi all,

This is my first post. I am on the hunt for a Cobra but not sure my budget will stretch to build one. I have had my eye on one that is on car sales for $25k. It is apparently based on a full MS90 Toyota crown chassis. My thinking was use this as a base and slowly build from there as my uncle would say cobra on a drip feed. I guess I am after some opinions on these kits from people who have owned them in the past or have had experience with them. I am also wondering if these have bump steer issues or not.

I look forward to your opinions good and bad.

Thanks in advance


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#2 (permalink)

Old 08-31-2014, 12:03 PM

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I have never heard of using anything other than a chassis that is fabricated specifically for use as a Cobra (90 inch wheelbase). Generally made of either Mild steel box tubing or
3"-4" round tube comprising the longitudinal frame rails. Attempting to adapt a V8 to a Toyota chassis may be overkill, and questionable with regards to safety & strength.


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#3 (permalink)

Old 08-31-2014, 01:05 PM

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Hi Andrew,

I built my MKIII from FFR gradually as you are suggesting in your plan. But I started out with the basic kit which was 12.9K. The difference is the dedicated racing chassis very much like the originals but stiffer and better geometry. It took me off and on about six years to get to registration but that was a blessing in disguise. It allowed me to build cash out of pocket over time. So almost 30K now, it's still not "finished" but I'm driving and working on the body work toward a killer paint job sometime in 2014. IMO, you would be wasting money to invest in the example you gave. Get a good foundation or buy a car that is completed. There are still very good deals out there if you look on all the forums. Good luck on whatever you do, WEK.

Note: the reason I feel the way I do about the kits that use an entire chassis or parts of the chassis, is the "Frankenstein" nature of the projects. It's like something cool sitting on top of an OEM chassis. I've seen some that are quick to build but I don't think you would get the driving feel of a real Cobra like you will with the right chassis.

Last edited by skullandbones; 08-31-2014 at 01:10 PM..

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#4 (permalink)

Old 08-31-2014, 03:23 PM

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There is one running around albury, that was built in the early 90s, it was built with a 302 on gas, it has now got a stroker engine pushing out about 500hp, but it needed extensive chassis and suspension work for that and is a massive handfull so i hear.

Last edited by dhs.buckley; 08-31-2014 at 04:24 PM..

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#5 (permalink)

Old 08-31-2014, 04:03 PM

petrolhead petrolhead is offline

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Mate I know the sound of the word Toyota may not sit right but not only is it a quick option but the chassis meets all ADR regulations and may not have to incur any enginers inspections, I'd say go for it you can't see it driving down the street plus you will be on the road a lot quicker

Happy to be living past my "USE BY DATE"

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#6 (permalink)

Old 08-31-2014, 05:39 PM

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Hi Andrew and welcome.

There is a lot of stigma around Crown chassied cobra's and rightfully so, there are/were some pretty ordinary ones out there, but there are some fairly good ones as well. Early one had bad bodies and ordinary chassis mods where later ones where much more thought out and better bodies, eg G-Force and a few others from WA that copied their bodies. You just have to make sure it is one of the better ones.

Depends on a lot of things as to whether this is right for you. What do you want out of it? A balls and all terror or just a street cruiser that will be fun on a the odd track day?

If your after something that you can build up to a to a high end, street/track performer and want a good return for it when time to sell, then probably not. If you�re after something that you can get into reasonably priced, work on to personalise and have a good weekend toy, then maybe. But like I said, only if it is a reasonable one to start with.

Is this the car?

It looks like a good starting point. A few things to be aware of;
First and foremost, is it registered and has all the engineers paperwork? If not, run away.

If so is it registered in you�re state? This will make life soooo much easier.

This car is Vic but you haven�t put you�re location in you�re profile.

Check out how the chassis was shortened. You say it is a full chassis but 14� has to come out of them to get them the right length. If you need to know what to look for I can send you pics.

Check out for extra chassis members for strengthening.

Check what rear end is used, original Crown or upgraded.

If you�re on a really tight budget, it could be worth looking at if it is well built. If you do a good job on it, someone will buy it if you get bitten and ever want to upgrade.

I have one that I built, and being in the cobra scene since �89 I have seen many. Mine is the only one I know of with independent rear end. The chassis has extra members and looks similar to G-force MKI, RMC MKI and Wooley/Evans chassis.

As the front suspension is installed as it was in the Crown, there are no bump steer issues unless you put big camber and caster angles into it.


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#7 (permalink)

Old 08-31-2014, 07:05 PM

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this car here is a Toyota chassis car I have copies of the engineering reports somewhere I enquired about this car a month or so ago but been Toyota based it put me off . very well finished car tho and low ks its been a display in a showroom for many yrs I was told .

2002 AC Cobra Cars For Sale in VIC - CarPoint Australia 1246 1247 1252 1282 4294953257 4294967251&silo=1011

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#8 (permalink)

Old 08-31-2014, 09:02 PM

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Originally Posted by Rick Parker View Post

I have never heard of using anything other than a chassis that is fabricated specifically for use as a Cobra (90 inch wheelbase). Generally made of either Mild steel box tubing or
3"-4" round tube comprising the longitudinal frame rails. Attempting to adapt a V8 to a Toyota chassis may be overkill, and questionable with regards to safety & strength.

Hi Rick,

Back in the early days of the kits in Australia it was reasonably common to use a donor chassis and build the kit from there. Now days all the kits here have the sort of chassis you describe.


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#9 (permalink)

Old 08-31-2014, 10:06 PM

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Hi David,

That is exactly the one I am looking at. Yes I am in Victoria so the fact that this is registered in Victoria is an advantage. I basically want a street cruiser and the occasional club track day use. I want to change it a manual box and maybe upgrade the motor at some point but other than that the rest would be simply cosmetic stuff. I did note however that in the ad it didn't have the engineers paperwork anymore. What problems does this create? If you could send me the photos of the chassis mods that would be a great help thanks. I am hoping to go for a drive this weekend.

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#10 (permalink)

Old 09-01-2014, 12:50 AM

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I think for the money and registration jump at it.
I wouldn't think you'd ever loose money on it.
If it was me I'd buy that as the daily cobra and invest in a new chassis/body and spend a couple of years building up the exact cobra you want. You'll learn a lot driving a cobra about what you like and don't like and want to change.
In 5 years or so when the dream cobra is on the road you could sell this one and get your money back!

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#11 (permalink)

Old 09-01-2014, 06:47 AM

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For whats its worth, here are my thoughts.

Go have a look and a drive first. You can check out pics over and over again, however go and have a look. Whilst I understand the motivation of a well priced car (its been for sale for a long time) if its a turd of a car... then its a waste of your money. Not all cobras are created equal.

I remember looking at the pics of one for sale many years ago for weeks and weeks.... when I went and checked it out.... was very disapointing.... then the drive was even worse. I walked away and never gave it a second thought....... but I then opened my budget up. Dont let the price be the motivator, a compromise can be a costly exercise.

I understand the cobra 'thing'... I really do...... you either have it and cant get rid of it.... or you dont really have it at all.

$25K is good coin for a car, whilst not cobras, here is just a few things that this much coin can get you. I am not comparing these to cobras, just throwing things in the mix.

2002 BMW M3 Sequential Manual Gearbox

Tommi Mak EVO
2000 Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VI Tommi Makinen

1977 Porsche 911 SC

1970 Chevrolet Camaro

1988 Chevrolet Corvette MY1988

Last edited by leroy17; 09-01-2014 at 01:20 PM..

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#12 (permalink)

Old 09-01-2014, 08:27 AM

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That's actually a really good point you make Leroy. I do that all the time. Compare what else you could buy for the same money to test your resolve! If you're even a bit tempted, then you don't really need a cobra :-)

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#13 (permalink)

Old 09-01-2014, 09:13 AM

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It is a long time since I read up on this but



The main advantage of using the early crown chassis is (something like) you can rebody pre-'72 cars and they maintain that build date.

However, the rego is usually something like >1971 Jaguar Rebody<
i.e the car it was.
not the car it has been made into.

Consequently, there are some things in the ad that may be problematic.

Fortunately the Cobra Car Club of Victoria is having its Monthly meeting this Wednesday, you can get many opinions - some of value


Last edited by LoBelly; 09-01-2014 at 09:15 AM.. Reason: tipos - the itialian misspelling

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#14 (permalink)

Old 09-01-2014, 04:50 PM

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Originally Posted by LoBelly View Post

The main advantage of using the early crown chassis is (something like) you can rebody pre-'72 cars and they maintain that build date.

However, the rego is usually something like >1971 Jaguar Rebody<
i.e the car it was.
not the car it has been made into.

Exactly that and budget constraints for me when I built mine Lobelly. WA, NT and ACT rego considered them rebodies and allowed them through with running gear only need complying with the year of the chassis. I have a carburettored 302 running Jag rear, no pollution gear and live side pipes at 97? dba - all legal. A big deal for me in 1990 when I ordered it. I certainly would like a new generation like the CR, Harrison or AP, but a raw Cobra is what I wanted and that's what I got.

I certainly agree with everyone, as with any purchase, particularly a component car no matter what brand, check it out thoroughly and make sure its right for you.

I'm just answering the OP's question on Crown chassis, if it's done right their okay, no worse than a Healy or other 60's/70's cars as a cruiser.


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#15 (permalink)

Old 09-01-2014, 06:18 PM

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If you are wanting a car that "Looks like a Cobra" and are not fussed about racing and performance handling, then I say go for it if thats what the budget allows.

Not everyone wants a race car.


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#16 (permalink)

Old 09-02-2014, 02:30 AM

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I am a fan of independent front and rear suspension so if you are going to fab a chassis I would highly recomend using XJ6 Jaguar front and rear suspension I was building a Rod and not only did I use the front & rear suspension but I also used the brake booster & master cylinder(which can be seperated only leaving the master cylinder on the firewall, I also used the brake pedal and powersteering the engineer was all for this idea as it has passed ADR's allready so no brake testing was required buying these parts individually can add up so look into purchasing a whole car and wrecking it, I did and ratted everything I need and sold off the rest, the funny part is I made more on the parts than I paid for the car, bonus

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Happy to be living past my "USE BY DATE"

Last edited by petrolhead; 09-02-2014 at 02:34 AM..

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Toyota Cobra

Source: http://www.clubcobra.com/forums/australian-cobra-club/130784-toyota-chassis-cobra-thoughts.html
